Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Little Lantana

This week has been exciting, unfortunately. Little Miss Kelsey decided to sneak a Lantana Flower for a snack on her afternoon stroll in her pink hippo. She soon started to gag and that's when we found a leaf on her belly. Luckily, we were able to identify the flower by the leaf. When the gagging wouldn't stop and the vomiting, nose running, and watery itchy eyes began we finally realized that maybe we should call poison control; who told us to go to the emergency room immediately. By the time she saw the ER Dr. she had vomited three times. Each time containing hot pink swirls from the flower petals. The ER Dr. ordered four x-rays. If you haven't seen an infant x-ray device, see picture below. It looks like a torture device.

As if hearing your child gag, vomit (all over you and her), scream (from the flower and it was way after bed time), and cry isn't hard enough, lets now put her in this contraption. They covered me in lead while I yanked her arms above her head, as seen above, and held them in place while she screamed, cried, and was trying to jerk free. This went on for about 5 minutes. It was torture for me and her. About as bad as when they take blood from a baby, which she just had done last week! If your a mom, you know that is such a hard thing to do. At least for me it was. We then observed her for about an hour. Soon after the ER Dr. came in and said that they found nothing in her throat or chest. Thank GOD! Because I don't know if I could have prepared myself for what they would have to do to remove anything from her throat or chest.

She has been fine since she got it all out of her system. She is 100% back to normal and we thank God for answering all our prayers in this nerve racking event. Fortunately, we knew what type of plant and were able to treat her immediately.

These situations are a reality check. I hope none of you ever have to put your child into one of those devices. For any of you who know Andrew well, we have been to the ER multiple times for some serious and some funny bizarre instances that Andrew finds himself in. I am hoping that Kelsey hasn't decided to follow in her father's footsteps! She will now and forever be my Little Lantana!

1 comment:

Regina said...

I know how it feels to feel powerless to help those you love! NOt so much fun! I am glad to hear all turned out okay and that your family is doing so well. My son Sam will be turning nine months September first. Time really does fly! He is using sign language to tell me things and climbing steps! He is a daredevil and scares me to death on a regular basis!! Again glad all is well!