Friday, August 21, 2009

9 Months Already

Can you believe 9 Months already! I can't, but I am loving every minute of it. She has so much personality and humor. She is an extremely happy baby. I can't believe she's mine half the time. People tell me how lucky I am all the time and they're right. Kelsey is an amazing blessing. Kelsey is trying to learn how to crawl and pull up but she likes to roll best. No matter the method she will get to her destination. She is saying Mama and Dadda and she laughs and babbles all the time. We are working to get her onto table food and switching her to cow's milk. I hope by 1 year to have the bottle, the paci, and all baby food gone. That's the plan at least. She's already well on her way. She prefers adult cups to sippy cups and table food to baby food and she only needs her paci when she's tired or upset. So, we are well on our way.
Last weekend she had her first trip to the Zoo. She went to Nashville Zoo (Grassmere, not sure the name) with her Uncle Erik, Aunt Jennifer, Extenda-Aunt Rachel, and Extenda-Cousin Emily. (Extenda is the term we use for amazing people in our lives that are not actually related but should be.) She had a blast. She petted a camel and a goat and LOVED the fishes. In fact, when we pass fish tanks at the hospital she will wave "Hi" to them. It's so cute.
She loves books, especially The Belly Button Book. We have to take at least 2-3 every where we go. It's almost more sacred then a paci. She also loves her big sissy Alice. They get along great and enjoy playing with each other.
She is growing up fast and I hope to keep you posted as best possible. If you are on Facebook, you can keep up with us there too. I am able to post many more pictures on Facebook!

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