Friday, June 25, 2010

Crazy Tragic Aweful Beautiful Life

Things have been amazingly busy in the Cobb household the past few months. To summarize:

-Kelsey has had bronchitis, strep, pink eye in both eyes and we changed day cares!
-I've been really sick with allergies and strep and a little bout of pink eye.
-Andrew quit his job to go to school full time and got a part-time job
-We sold our first "Home"
-We bought a home
-Andrew and I both had our identities severely compromised
-Hmmm, we'll leave it at that.

Those were the big unfortunate points of our lives recently. But the optimistic approach is that God saw to it and we survived all of it. I am now hoping to have things settle down a little bit and have a somewhat normal life again.

Kelsey is now 19 months old, see pics below. She is a doll but we are going through some rough stages right now. She loves being upset when mommies around, it's almost unbearable. She lives in a world where everything is purple to her :), likes to drink the bathwater, and does her best to annoy Alice everyday! Her current phrases are, "What's that?" "No" "No No..(fill in name)" "Outside" "Mine." She loves to list everyone in the family and she will occasionally through in her best friend Abbi.  She is absolutely the best thing ever!

As Darryl Worley say, "I love this crazy tragic sometimes almost magic awful beautiful life."


Nancy said...

wow girl! things have been crazy busy! we need to catch up sometime soon, and I want to hear about your new place!

Bobbi Cobb said...

I agree! We definitely need to catch up. I feel uninformed. :)

Bobbi Cobb said...

Who Am I is me... Bobbi