Monday, July 7, 2008

The Results are In !!!

Per our Poll, the majority predicted that it was a Boy. However, IT'S A GIRL!!! Andrew knew with out a doubt that she was a girl. I, on the other hand, had no idea. I kind of thought she might be a boy. I was wrong. The ultrasound experience was quite amazing. Being able to see her little body for the first time was miraculous. The technician confirmed that she has all her fingers and toes and is currently a healthy little girl. Although, she only made the 23rd percentile in size. This means she is a little small for her age, but the OBGYN said it's nothing to worry about. Andrew and I are so excited and can't wait to begin decorating and preparing for her coming in November/December.


Erik and Jennifer said...

We are so excited that we are going to have niece!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! We are so happy for you. Baby Cobb and Jackson will have to have play dates. I am so excited for you!!!

Congratulations again!!!

Tracy and Dave Bosecker